Established 1991

"Thank you for nurturing, supporting, educating and much more. My daughter has had a wonderful time at Whizz Kids and had the foundation set."


"The effort you go to is so visible in the events you organise and the everyday activities you do. Mostly, it is watching the children run into nursery that shows what a wonderful job you are doing."


"I am so happy that my son is a confident chatty boy and I know that all the love and attention you gave him has contributed to this. Whizz Kids is a lovely setting and my son has flourished here."


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Outdoor Play Policy

The aim of outdoor play is to provide an environment for children’s learning in all areas of the curriculum that is different from indoor provision ant to promote physical development and health.
We are committed to the idea that outdoor play is as important as indoor play and that children should have continuous free access.

Outdoor play can provide children with one of the best possible environments for learning. We can achieve this by:

  • Careful planning and resourcing (What we provide)
  • Having a clear understanding of the learning objectives (why we are providing certain experiences and activities)
  • Giving opportunities to link indoor and outdoor play (e.g. making o book about worms discovered while digging)
  • Being aware of the importance of adult’s role
  •  Being aware of the need for continuous professional development for staff in this area

Why do children need quality outdoor play?

  • Outdoor play develops physical strength and improves co-ordination.
  • Research increasingly shows that children under five are at risk of heart disease and obesitydue to lack of regular vigorous exercise. The Department for Health states that children whocan walk on their own should be physically active every day for at least 3 hours per day. Weaim to support children to develop lifelong, healthy habits.
  • The growth of mind and body are inseparable. Gaining physical confidence and competence can influence children’s social and intellectual growth.
  • Children need to develop their gross motor skills in order to develop the fine motor skills needed for drawing and later writing.
  • To socialise in a freer context - active group play develops important social skills.
  • Young children need to experience physical concepts such as weight, height, forces etc. with their whole bodies by carrying, pushing etc.
  • We recognise that today's lifestyles are becoming increasingly sedentary as parents drive more often and children's play is less active as they use games consoles etc. Fewer children now have access to gardens or safe outdoor areas
  • This means that our outdoor area is an invaluable resource.

“Space for a young child is as necessary as food and air”


Learning outdoors allows children to enjoy the benefits of being
able to  work in an open space on a larger scale:

  • The outdoor area has potential for learning unique to itself and this should be planned for
  • Provision should take into account multi-cultural and gender issues
  • Encourage children in maintenance of provision (some setting up, tidying up etc)
  • Setting up must take into account safety as well as children’s creativity
  • Outdoor play should be attractive with sufficient equipment and resources
  • At the end of the day all equipment should be put away and the outside area left tidy.
  • Garden boxes with small items, e.g. Magnifiers, mark making / creative equipment and natural resources e.g. twigs / stones should be available to enable adults to extend learning immediately
  • Where possible children should be encouraged to use the natural environment as part of their play.
  • Activities should be planned to maximise the benefits of space and the natural environment e.g.: construction using large boxes, painting on a large scale etc
  • The provision should reflect the weather conditions and staff should plan spontaneously

Role of adult

"We are not supervisors; we are professionals with eyes in the back of our heads" - Marjory Ouvry

Staff interaction with the children is crucial. If children are interested in what they are doing there are unlikely to be accidents

As such we consider that our role is to:

  • Create a rich and rewarding outdoor learning environment which supports children's development across all seven areas of the Foundation Stage Curriculum.
  • Observe and note the children's learning and their further developmental needs
  • Interact sensitively with the children so that we aid the quality of their play whilst at the same time leaving the children space to make their own decisions and put into practice their own ideas.
  • Ensure the safety of the children
  • Encourage the children to understand the reasons for safety rules.

Planning the Outdoor Curriculum

Planning should be based upon the children's interests and the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Guidance.

The whole staff will meet twice a week to incorporate outdoor play activities in their weekly planning

Parent Partnership

Parents and staff should work in partnership!
Parents need to understand that it is unfair to tell their children to stay inside when staff are encouraging then to go outside.

It will be explained to all parents during Introductory Visit to the Nursery the integral way the outdoor area is used and the value of outdoor play.

We make parents aware of the importance of supplying their children with appropriate clothing such as waterproof clothing, gloves etc (during home visit, settling in, newsletters, discussions and displays)

We are clear and consistent with parents that children who are well enough to be in the Nursery are well enough to play outside. Children are more likely to stay healthy when they play outside!

Test classroom and the widest cupboard is in the open air"' -Margaret Macmillan

Each of the Early Years Foundation Stage learning areas are developed through Outdoor Play.

1. Developing Personal, Social and Emotional Learning Through
Outdoor Play

  • The resources and experiences outside provide opportunities for children to develop co-operation and build relationships.
  •  Children are encouraged to work together, take turns and help each other.
  •  Children are encouraged to take responsibility for the resources in the outside area. They are able to set up the areas and tidy resources away.
  •  The organisation and management of outdoors supports children in initiating and developing their own ideas and interests.
  • Children are encouraged to develop a sense of wonder about living things and natural phenomena.
  • Children develop their understanding and show respect for living things.
  • The resources and experiences outside provide opportunities for children to act out their feelings.

2/3.  Communication, Language and Literacy through Outdoor Play.

  • There is a good range of stimulating first-hand experiences for children and adults to talk about.
  • There are places for children to talk with each other.
  • Reading and writing are incorporated into activities and experiences. They are relevant and meaningful to children's interests and patterns of learning.
  • Children are encouraged to use the written word or write for a range of purposes e.g. signs, messages, tickets.
  • Non-fiction books are a stimulus for investigations outdoors.
  • Stories are told/read/re-enacted outside.
  • Children are encouraged to express their ideas, interests through role play.
  1.  Developing Mathematical Learning Through Outdoor Play
  • Children are encouraged to explore patterns, shape, measurement and numbers in the natural and made world. There are resources to support this range of learning.
  •  The available resources enable children to solve mathematical problems.
  • Staff encourages children to develop and use their mathematical language.
  • The range of equipment enables children to work on a large scale.
  •  Children are encouraged to play mathematical games with large equipment.
  •  Numbers are incorporated into children's play.
  • Children are encouraged to write numbers or record mathematical ideas in relevant and appropriate ways.
  1. Developing Learning About and Understanding the World through Outdoor play
  • Children are encouraged to observe and express their ideas about similarities and differences in the natural word.
  • Children are encouraged to explore the physical environment and are able to solve problems in their own way.
  • Changes in the weather are used to stimulate investigative work.
  • There is a good range of natural and made materials for children and adults to talk about.
  • There is a sufficient range of resources to develop children's interest in movement.
  • Children are able to use a range of natural and made materials to design, make and build.
  • The outside area is organised so that children are provided with opportunities to play out their life experiences and to develop imaginative play.
  • Staff support and develop children's imaginative play related to life experiences
  • Staff ensures that all children have access to a wide range of resources and experiences.

   6.  Developing Physical Development through Outdoor Play

  • The planning of equipment in the outdoor classroom takes into account all stages of children's physical development.
  • There is a good range of equipment to develop children's co-ordination and  control skills.
  • The resources and equipment encourage a variety of ways of using the body.
  • The children are presented with challenges that enable them to discover what they are able to do whilst learning about the limitations of their bodies.
  • Children are able to experience a variety of different sized materials and use them in a variety of ways.
  • Children are to encourage to use their bodies imaginatively e.g. dance, music and movement.
  • Staff ensures that boys and girls have equal access to all areas of physical learning.

7.Developing Expressive Arts and Design Learning Through Outdoor Play.

  • Children are encouraged to represent their ideas imaginatively' There are a range of materials so that they can create 2D and 3D images.
  • Children are encouraged to explore colour, shape and texture within natural materials.
  • Staff plans for music, movement, dance, singing and drama to take place in the outside area.
  • Children have the opportunity to experience a large range of textures and different materials.
  • Opportunities are provided for children to develop large-scale work.
  • Appropriate resources are available to support large-scale mark making.


  • AN ORGANTSED ENVTRONMENT (where they con access resources)
  • TIME